Hey Bloggers!,

This week’s reading create tasks were almost the same as last week although I was doing them about a different person. if you remember from my last post we were looking at biographies but not just any biographies they were written about a handful of famous New Zealanders!  And as you might also remember from my last post the WALT is the same.

Speaking of create tasks here are mine!

This is my first create task!


oh but we’re not done just yet I have two more create tasks I want to share with you guys!


My second create task was to write a diary entry pretending to be my famous New Zealanders in my case this would be Sophie Pascoe. I wrote after a few hard 20 minutes of research about her hard time back in 2020 and if you can’t work out what made that part of her life so hard all you need is two words. The Pandemic. Yep we’re not done with COVID-19 just yet.

speaking of which here is my create task!

The last but certainly not the least its my last create task its the forth create task! ( I had some issues with create task three and accidentally deleted it)

This create task was to do a book report about our story for a tick on the pizza wheel. Pizza wheels are circles which we have to get seven ticks  for a prize which is a free hell’s pizza. We have until january next year to complete this for the prize .

Now let me show you my first step to my free pizza!

That’s all thank you so much bloggers for reading, I hope you learned something reading this and again so sorry for the missing create task there was just no time to recreate it!

Bye Bloggers! oh and one more thing before I go

Stay Sharp!

Your Favourite Blogger Signing off,


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