Welcome back bloggers!

Today I will be sharing my Maths task with you! this week we were meant to showcase negative Numbers on a number line.  Oh and this was our WALT : Understand Negative Number Lines.

Now before I bore you let me show you guys what exactly I did

here it is!

For this number line I decided to show the negative numbers in Gray so it shows the difference  between the positive and negative


And here is my second number line

For this number line I thought of the same thing to differentiate the positive and negative


My thoughts on this task I that it is fairly simple once you find out what to do but I’m not sure I’ve done the best way to show the different types of numbers but that’s just me. I would really like some feedback and some advice on what to do next time we have to do some thing like this

And with that I will now bid you goodbye until the next time you decide to check up on my page

Stay Sharp Bloggers!



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