Hey Bloggers!

Welcome back to yet another week of reading create tasks that take way to long for me to do

but anyway onto the main reason why you’re here (I think) my create tasks! so before I start I wanted to say that I had a two day break because of a writing workshop so my blog post/create tasks may not be as up to standard because I totally have such a high standard…..  yeah lets just say that and before I forget yet again here is the WALT it was to and i quote to summarise (in detail) in my own words. A mouthful I know

so this week’s journals were all about one very specific topic. Art! art that comes from all around the world. from Samoan art to K pop yes K pop dancing oh and if you do want to see some of the just amazing dancing check out my very good friend Tatiana’s blog post after mine of course. (I’m going to get in so much trouble for this) moving on with this introduction!

so the journal that I chose focused about a girl called Animoe who has an end of year performance and her family pitching in to finish her costume. including all sorts of fun facts about Nieun culture and a few words like greetings etc…

so now that you finally know  my create tasks are about you probably want to know what they are so here it is!

My first create task was to write down 10 different facts from my journal story and then present them on a FLIP video so as you can imagine this one took a bit of work as with being a member of one of the loudest reading groups there are never quiet moments. I guess there’s no more putting it off so alright here is my FLIP video to present my 10 facts about Nieun culture enjoy!

please excuse my very poor pronunciation of most of the Nieun words  😅

Now you might imagine that the create task would be something different like canva or something like that but the second i´d finished recording which took two whole days by the way guess what awaited me when i came back to check what the second create task was. That´s  right more FLIP ! Sorry if you can’t tell i´m not the biggest fan of FLIP but on with the show! (or blog post?..)

The second create task is very much like the first what with it also requiring me to use FLIP but there is a difference in this video i had to read two pages of my journal story out loud and with proper pronunciation. So as you can imagine i chose the two pages with the least amount of Nieun words. I don ´ t think i have anything more to add for this create task it was pretty straight forward to without further ado here is my second FILP video!

The pages of my journal story are quite short hence the fact that the video is not even a minute long. And even though i read out the pages that have the least amount of Nieun words i still feel the need to apologise so i do not  a grammarly  add thrown at me

Moving swiftly on..

Now you might expect my ending sentence right here but i have finally finished all three create tasks! The final create task was the one that broke the mould what i mean is that I didn’t have to use FLIP! so what was my third create task? Well i had to make a Kahoot but since I can ´ t  blog a Kahoot you get the next best thing a planning sheet with all my questions and answers! The basis of the create task is  that i just had to use my ten facts (you remember those right?) and make them into questions! here they are below.

Sorry for the gaps I don ´ t know any other way to show you guys

I just have a few more things to add before we can go. I think that the create tasks went by a lot faster and i did have to summarise a lot because of the 10 facts but other than trying to find those facts i feel like the creates were almost easier and now that i say this i feel that they are going to get a lot harder next week. well I guess you will have to come back next Friday to check!

And now we are at the true end of my chaotic blog post! i hope you guys learned something new or at the very least laughed a little at the fact that i never get all of my create tasks done.  and I´m signing off

Stay Sharp Bloggers!

Signed: Ria

One thought on “Wk 8 Create Tasks 1,2,3

  1. omg hi ria I saw your blog and it is tooooooo long I never saw blog like that also I have lots of information in your blog I never going to write my blog like that bye!!

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